By Nicolas RABET

   France            Brazil



Perhap's, you don't know this strange animal or you try to obtain informations on this group. This web site was created in 1999 with an other adress and was only in French. I tried to complete and translate it in order that informations are available for more people.  

I hope that you will find informations that you want ! Please informe me if you have corrections or you want that I add informations.

If you have already seen these animals and if you need an identification or an orientation you can contact me (


All people can indicated me information by the English form (click here). For Brazilian people I made a special form (click here). For French people: please if you have already seen these animals, it's very important to complete the following form (click here for French, click here for English). We made a French inventory and we need a maximum of informations ! 

Inventaire des branchiopodes

Web site made by Nicolas Rabet (For all questions on this Web site or on the large branchiopods:

Last revision, le 12/02/2012